
Expectant mum needed to take part in surveys

WOMEN who are more than 34 weeks pregnant are being invited to participate in a study to help improve care for mums-to-be.

Are there any areas that your prenatal care service could improve on?
Mums-to-be in the South Western Sydney Local Health District, are being urged to take part in a short survey to help improve what’s on offer in the lead up to birth and shortly thereafter.
One of the study organisers, Dr Elaine Burns, says the research explores women’s experience of accessing antenatal care during pregnancy and the feedback received so far has been very positive.
“We are trying to capture what is good about the services being offered and where we can assist better,” she said.
“The survey asks questions such as ‘what model of care did you have’, ‘did you change the model of care during the pregnancy’ and ‘what did you like or not like’ about the care you received.”
Participants will also be asked to take part in a 10-15 minute survey following the birth of their baby.
For further info or to take part, email