
Exciting double bill to inspire, stir soul

COMPANY of Rogues are transferring their hit Sydney Fringe show ‘Gravity Guts’ to the new FringeHQ theatre hub this October 9-19 in an exciting double bill with the world premiere of the latest work from award-winning Australian playwright Peter Maple, with both plays starring Petersham’s rising star Emily McKnight.

Directed by Simon Thomson, Maple’s ‘Ginger. Black. Brunette. Blonde’ invites audiences into the mind of Sarah, a woman trapped by the memories of a mother she barely got to know, treading water in daily life and hoping to break free from the grip of love.
‘Ginger. Black. Brunette. Blonde’ attempts to investigate the power of love and memory, and the very real danger their effects can have on us all when fuelled by grief.
Playing the central roles of both Sophia and Sarah, Emily said working on two plays was both thrilling and challenging.
“I really feel like I’m living the dream,” she said.
“I’ve been able to meet and get to know both playwrights and as I work on their stories, I’m noticing the difference and similarities of these two young women, to each other and to myself.
“I think everyone can connect with them in some way.
“ Everyone grows up having to navigate complicated relationships, and we all experience grief, love, longing, loneliness and self-doubt.”
Tickets: From $30. Suitable for ages 13 plus.
Bookings: and