
Ex students reunite at old school

A SIMPLE comment on Facebook has blossomed into an exciting reunion for a group of about 60 former students, now aged in their 60s and 70s, who will return to their childhood stomping ground at Regents Park Public School next Saturday, October 19, from 10am.

First up will be a meet and greet with Principal Elizabeth Rump and a tour of the school ahead of a catch up at Dooleys Sports Club.
One of the organisers, Debra Mayo (nee Allen), who attended the school from 1962-69, says she has many memories of her time at Regents Park Public.
“I remember everyone had to drink a small bottle of milk each day, however by the time it came to drink it, it was warm after sitting in the sun,” she recalled.
“Many students are turned off milk even to this day!
“I remember the many friends I made and still have, learning to dance the Pride of Erin in the playground, assemblies, sports and swimming carnivals and of course the teachers; some were fantastic, some rather strict! We all knew that the cane was behind the principal’s door.
“There were excursions to the Snowy Mountains and we learnt to play the recorder and other instruments.
“All wonderful memories; we can’t to reunite and reminisce.”