Terminally ill Australians can for the first time apply to end their own life, after new laws went into effect Victoria on Wednesday, June 19, 2019.
Only those who suffer from a terminal illness with a prognosis of under six or 12 months depending on the disease will be eligible. And two independent doctors, who have undertaken special training, and the Victorian Department of Health have to approve each decision to give the patient access to a lethal poison to be either drunk or injected.
Victoria expects that only a dozen or so people will use the legal assisted dying process this year but it could grow to perhaps 150 people within a few years when it is more widely accepted.
NSW could also soon be able to draw on the experience of WA, Queensland and SA where governments are all planning euthanasia laws after holding detailed public inquiries.
To join the campaign to bring about assisted euthanasia legislation in NSW, go to Dying With Dignity website (dwdnsw.org.au).
For more info on assisted euthanasia and its criteria, visit www2.health.vic.gov.au.
Euthanasia law on way in other States
ASSISTED suicide is illegal in all Australian States and Territories except for Victoria.