
Epic fantasy to wake up strength when life unfair

A CREATIVE and academic writer for over 20 years, Lidcombe librarian David Di Muro has now produced his first commercial fiction novel, an epic fantasy called ‘Manah Wars – Glimmer in the Darkness’.

An undead army led by a demon vampire, pillages everything in its path.
A tribal boy living in an ancient forest, embarks on his trial into adulthood but everything he dreamed of is torn apart by the war gripping his country as he’s thrown headfirst into an adventure where courage, bravery and absolute transformation are the heroes.
With phenomenal world-building, compelling character development and a story that you never want to end, David believes his tome should be on every book lover’s shelf.
Saying it will make you feel anger, joy, happiness and sadness, he hopes it will change the reader as a person.
“I hope it helps you to wake up your strength in the face of suffering, to be the change you want to see in the world and to become a strong, independent person who takes charge and leads in the face of unfair opposition,” he said.
“So many people read pop and contemporary literature only. I see value in reading books that force us to consider other points of view from history and from the future.
“When you read Manah Wars I assure you your literary life will expand and you will be drawn into the classics.”
It’s available to borrow at Auburn and Lidcombe libraries and to order a copy at