
Environmental compliance rate better

BUILDING sites are getting the message and improving their environmental performance, according to the latest results of the Get the Site Right sediment control campaign.

The campaign saw the council and EPA officers conduct more than 1,110 inspections of building sites along the Georges River, Cooks River, Parramatta River and Central Coast, in May and found that 784 (63 per cent) of sites were compliant, a 13 per cent improvement on last year’s figures.
For the non-compliances, a total of $290,700 in fines was issued for sites that failed to follow the rules.
“Sediment is not a small problem – up to four truckloads of soil from a building site can be washed away in a single storm if the proper containment measures are not in place,” EPA Regional Metropolitan Director, Giselle Howard, said.
“When that sediment hits the waterways, it can destroy aquatic habitats and smother native plants and animals.”
Georges Riverkeeper Manager, Beth Salt, said the growth in the campaign meant that construction companies were more aware of the rules and the environment was benefiting as a result.
Report pollution incidents, including poor sediment control, to the EPA’s 24/7 Environment Line on 131 555.