Julie, a Tagalog speaker, said: “I’m using personal experience to help my friends, family and community lead happier and healthier lives.”
After 30 years working in the health industry, Sapna Lazarus became a bilingual community educator supporting migrants in her local area.
She speaks Hindi and Bengali.
“I’m helping my community navigate the health system and opening doors to more information through their participation in BCE programs,” she explained.
Cancer Institute NSW is working with Western Sydney Local Health District (WSLHD) to run the BCE programs in order to deliver important cancer screening information to migrants.
The release of the latest cervical flip-charts joins bowel and breast, completing the suite of cancer screening resources for these priority groups in NSW.
Chief Cancer Officer and Cancer Institute NSW CEO Professor David Currow says people of culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds are a priority for the Institute.
“We know multicultural people and migrant groups are less likely to participate in cancer screening for many complex reasons. Often their health takes a backseat to housing and employment,” Professor Currow said.
“It’s crucial we continue finding new ways to connect with people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds and to support them to make informed decisions.”
Read more http://bit.ly/CINSWCALDresources
Educators spread important info
MORE than 60 bi-lingual community educators (BCE), like Julie Nunez OAM, have received training on how to use new fit-for-purpose cancer screening resources after the Cancer Institute NSW released information brochures in 15 translations to support migrant communities last year.