
East Hills Local Woman of Year win

BERYL Matthews has been named East Hills Local Woman of the Year in recognition of more than 40 years of service and dedication to local Girl Guides.

Congratulating Ms Matthews on her selection, State MP for East Hills, Wendy Lindsay, says they will both attend a gala breakfast for the State awards ceremony at the International Convention Centre Sydney this Thursday, March 5.
“Beryl has made such a difference to the East Hills community for her lifelong work with the Girl Guides,” she said.
The 2020 NSW Women of the Year Awards will be announced at the breakfast ahead of International Women’s Day, and Minister for Women, Bronwyn Taylor, says they aim to recognise women who have demonstrated excellence in business and society or made outstanding contributions to their local communities.
“Women are often the unsung heroes of their local communities – changing lives, raising families, and pursuing careers in male dominated fields,” Mrs Taylor said.
Ms Lindsay said Ms Matthews was also making pouches for wildlife impacted by bushfires which ravaged the State and was looking for donations of flannelette sheets which could be dropped off at her electorate office at 20 Revesby Place in Revesby.