For over three decades, English born John Waters has been adored by Australian audiences for his portrayal of loveable, sometimes gritty characters on the stage and screen both big and small.
Ahead of his August tour celebrating the songs of living music god, Bob Dylan, we got the chance to catch up with the eloquent Waters.
Will it be anything like your previous show ‘Looking Through a Glass Onion’?
“It’s nothing like the Glass Onion,” he said.
“It’s a bit of a new freedom for me because when I toured with Glass Onion it was a very strict and a severe bubble that I had created and it doesn’t vary for one second.
“This show is very different; it’s just me, a six-piece band and a selection of Bob Dylan songs. I’m free. I can talk to the audience if I want and whatever I do in that regard will be ad lib.”
For those who may not know very much about Dylan, what can they expect?
“I’d like to give those who aren’t too familiar with Dylan’s work just an idea of how good his songs are.
“Dylan had a particular style of singing. His whole life, he’s had people say, ‘Oh, he can’t sing’ which is absolute rubbish, he sings and he sings like Bob Dylan, no-one else does, his style is unique.”
Do you think that Dylan’s message still reflects what’s going on with today’s political environment?
“I love the fact that I’m doing Bob Dylan songs now because I feel like it’s legitimate to bring this up and talk about it. I never want to bore people with politics but I can’t help but feel scared for the future of the world at the moment; for me going out on the road with a bunch of Bob Dylan songs is the best I can do.”
• His sister had revealed the mysterious scar was the result of a childhood accident. Not sword-fighting in the Algiers or pub brawls in Paris as John had led audiences to believe.
You’ll be able to see the legendary John Waters preform ‘Bob Dylan Revisited’ on Saturday, August 24 at Canterbury-Hurlstone Park RSL.
Tickets cost $49 and are available at