
Drive down road toll vital

HOONS and speeding motorists will be targeted in a road safety campaign to drive down the road toll and the number of related injuries.

Crash data from Transport for NSW (TfNSW) shows that in the Cumberland LGA, the number of speed-related crashes has not significantly reduced over the past three years and that in the five years between 2018 and 2022, 26 people were killed and 2,545 were injured on roads in Cumberland.
Mayor Lisa Lake said that unfortunately, Cumberland has a growing problem with speed-related accidents.
So concerned with the number of terrible car accidents across the country which have resulted in serious injuries or death, with speeding a major contributing factor to many of them, she has initiated the safety campaign.
“During 2022, drivers who live in the Cumberland LGA were involved in 1,145 crashes within the Sydney region,” she said.
“This included 406 crashes within Cumberland and a further 739 elsewhere in Sydney. Unfortunately, there were six reported fatalities attributed to speeding – six too many.”
The council will implement a Road Safety Community Awareness Campaign in the top five spoken languages, encouraging motorists to slow down when driving, accompanied by educational statistics and key resources; promote the campaign via the council’s existing communication platforms, Variable Message Signs (VMS) at strategic locations and relevant community and youth agencies within the Cumberland Local Government Area; and work with both the Auburn and Cumberland Police Area Commands in promoting this campaign and monitoring results.
“By working together with our community and local police, we can do more and do better to improve these concerning statistics,” Mayor Lake said.
“Most importantly, the message is clear, we need people to slow down on our roads.
“The safety of our residents and those that travel to and from Cumberland, is of critical importance. It is incumbent upon us to support and educate our community about safe driving practices.”