
Donated bed for sick that’s worth $20,000

A LITTLE early for a Christmas gift but more than welcome anyway, Auburn’s St Joseph’s Hospital has officially been gifted with a new bariatric bed and mattress worth $20,000.

Secretary for the Hospital’s Auxiliary, Margaret West, said a gathering to acknowledge the generous donation was held in the Palliative Care Unit on Thursday, November 28.
“This was a joint gift from Mt Beulah Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star and St Joseph’s Branch of the United Hospital Auxiliaries of NSW Inc,” she said.
“The Auxiliary runs the coffee shop at the hospital.
“Attending were members of the Eastern Star Chapter – Pam Leabeater, June Page and Nell Johnson – Auxiliary members and hospital representatives and staff.”
A bariatric bed is wider, higher and larger than a standard hospital bed and can be used when a patient is at the end of life to allow a spouse or loved one to be close to them.