Cure4CF is leading the efforts to fund research into a cure for this awful disease. It takes the lives of half of all sufferers before the age of 37.
“My niece has CF. Aveline has already had eights visits to the Sydney Children’s Hospital at Randwick, takes enzyme and salt replacements with each feed as she can’t digest nutrients without them, is on antibiotics to ward off infection and in November, will have to undergo the first of her yearly bronchoscopies under general anaesthetic,” James said.
“Cure4CF seeks to raise funds for the most promising medical research across the nation. To date, this has seen the Foundation support a range of research projects, including the Adelaide CF Airway Gene Therapy Research Group and The Adelaide ENT Research Team.
“Next May I will be entering a large Endeavour Sports High School team into the Sydney Morning Herald Half-Marathon to raise awareness and funds.
“I’ve started social media pages for posts about my role, the Cure4CF Foundation and our fight to find a cure, and my niece’s journey.”
More info at
Devoted uncle now ‘first ambassador’
DUE to the success of his efforts to raise awareness of cystic fibrosis and funds for the Cure4 Cystic Fibrosis Foundation (Cure4CF), Picnic Point’s James Kozlowski has been invited to take on the role of their inaugural NSW Ambassador.