
Developer fee hike to provide windfall

DEVELOPERS will now pay the same contribution whether they own a property in Canterbury or Bankstown, providing a windfall for council.
Last week, the council agreed to lift Bankstown’s development contribution rate to the level already in place in Canterbury.
Mayor Khal Asfour said the move was part of the council’s continued commitment to align services across the City.
“Over the next 10 years, we estimate that more than 22,800 new dwellings will be built in Canterbury-Bankstown, resulting in more than 61,500 new residents,” he said.
“It’s the Government’s responsibility to provide the necessary infrastructure, such as new schools, hospitals, major roads and other transport services, while the council must plan for and deliver new parks, playgrounds and community facilities.”
Under the change, the council could receive an extra $12 million a year in development contributions, which will be used to improve community infrastructure.
“We deliver more than 350 projects each year and this extra money would be allocated to even more projects,” Mayor Asfour said.
“So I encourage residents to have their say on this new proposal.”
The Draft Bankstown Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan and Canterbury Development Contributions Plan amendments will be on public exhibition in August at
The council has also approved more than $42,000 towards the protection of nine heritage-listed properties in Canterbury-Bankstown. Under its Heritage Grant Fund, grants of up to $5,000 are available to property owners, to assist them with the restoration, maintenance and upkeep of their homes.
“We recognise that heritage items need special care and attention to maintain their heritage value,” Mayor Asfour said.
“This year, we received 15 applications and our Heritage Reference Group recommended nine be approved.”
There are more than 200 heritage-listed items in Canterbury-Bankstown.