Dining Out

Delicious filling foods that warm your heart and soul

WITH many struggling to feel cosy and comfortable as the chilly winter months make their presence known, a great solution is to indulge in perfect ‘warm’ foods offered via Pakistani cuisine.

Your one-stop-shop for winter dining, Student Biryani features a fantastic choice of juicy, tender meals guaranteed to warm you up and keep you feeling full and satisfied.
Chef and restaurant manager Muhammad Naveed says Pakistani cuisine is famous for its warming spices such as cumin, coriander and turmeric as well as peppercorns, cinnamon, cardamom and nutmeg.
“On a cold day there is nothing better than one of our Biryani dishes,” he said.
“Their popularity is booming at the moment along with the Lahori fried fish which is crispy, crunchy and light from the outside while moist, flavourful and super aromatic from the inside.”
Student Biryani also sizzles with delicious, traditional Pakistani-style curries, succulent fried meats, barbecue and grills, burgers and a range of interesting sides and beautiful breads, as well as ample vegetarian options and kids meals.
With all meals 100 per cent halal, there’s also plenty of meal deals available.
Eat-in or call ahead to order a pick up for groups and special functions, or check out studentbiryani.com.au.
Student Biryani is open Monday to Friday, 11am-11pm, and on weekends for breakfast from 9am to 11pm.