
Dedicated nurses praised

International Nurses Day awards ceremony Muirfield Golf club. Alex Roberts (on behalf of his mother, Kristina Roberts- after hours nurse manager), Kate Murphy (Director Nursing and Midwifery Auburn), Natalie Moore (Natalie Moore, Reg Nurse ED Auburn)

Certificates for International Midwife and Nurses Days

APPLAUDING the hard work, commitment and dedication of nursing staff, the Western Sydney Local Health District (WSLHD) hosted special award ceremonies ahead of International Day of the Midwife on (May 5) and International Nurses Day (May 12).
Award recipients included registered nurse Natalie Moore from Auburn Hospital’s Emergency Department who was described as “an advocate for professional development and an inspiration for the team”.
After hours nurse manager Kristina Roberts, who has worked at Auburn Hospital for the past 25 years and has had a career spanning 44 years mostly within the WSLHD, was also recognised with an award.

The award citation noted that her “commitment to the nursing profession is clearly demonstrated through her leadership and passion for nursing”.
“Kris’ passion for quality improvement was demonstrated and recognised in the 2018 Quality Awards with the “Think Before You Bin It” project.”
WSLHD acting executive director of nursing and midwifery, Danielle Levis, said she was proud to lead such a dedicated, professional nursing and midwifery team.
“Many of our staff live in the diverse communities we serve and have a good understanding of their needs,” Ms Levis said.
“We have almost 5,000 nurses and midwives working across the district and each day, they make a difference to our patients’ lives.”
Nominations are also open for the NSW Health Excellence in Nursing and Midwifery Awards until June 28