Head of the HSIE faculty at St Charbel’s, John McKelleher said the team – Youssef Tawk, Josh Saade, Joseph Achmar and Richard Nasr (pictured with supporters) – would now progress to the semi finals later this year or early next.
“This was a terrific achievement by our debaters to win against such a prestigious school, like James Ruse which has ranked No 1 in NSW based on HSC results for over 25 years,” he said.
Arguing in the affirmative, the topic of the debate had a modern history theme – ‘That the Weimar Republic was doomed form the start’.
The Weimar Republic is the name given to the German government between the end of the Imperial period (1918) and the beginning of Nazi Germany (1933).
Debating team beats leading school in state
BEING argumentative has paid off for a team of students at St Charbel’s College Punchbowl who have beaten James Ruse Agricultural High School in the quarter final of the Year 11 History Debating competition.