EXPANDING their efforts to reduce their waste and leave no ‘footprint’ on the planet, Chester Hill North Public School have stepped up their environmental initiatives by recycling sandwich ziplock bags, poppers, bottles, cans and even their chip packets.
Led by teacher Naomi Luck, the school’s environment committee have set up various collection points for recycled items throughout the school with the help of Paul Scott, father of Year 5 student Kayla and a retired woodworking teacher.
“We discussed it during a P & C meeting,” Mr Scott explained.
“We wanted to make it more exciting for the kids so during a few sessions at East Hills Men’s Shed, I made some colourful, wooden animals and characters to sit on top of the boxes to remind the children of what items went where.
“For example, cans and bottles go into the octopus’ mouth while lids go into the clown’s mouth.
“There’s also a kangaroo and a bee and by all accounts, it is working very well and the kids are enjoying it and having fun while helping the environment at the same time.”
Ms Luck said it was very pleasing knowing the school was reducing its waste.
“We’ve also been using the bottles for numeracy and literacy activities,” she said.
“After we have a full collection, we take them to Coles and Woolies under the red recycling soft plastics scheme and also collect compost for our school garden.
“The students are thrilled knowing they are helping to make a difference.”