JUST a handful of major crime categories rose in the 12 months to March this year, according to the latest NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research (BOSCAR) data.
Categories which did rise included assaults – both Domestic Violence Related (up two per cent) and Non-Domestic Violence Related (up nine per cent) – however Auburn crime manager, Detective Inspector Chris Laird, said that in the case of domestic violence, it was partly attributed to increased reporting.
“And our legal action rate is very high, as the NSW Police Force continues to concentrate heavily on domestic violence incidents,” he said.
“Non-Domestic Violence Assaults are something we are looking at, however many of them are simply random and alcohol related.”
Also up were Robbery With a Firearm offences, jumping from six to 10 offences reported for the 12 months to March 2019 compared with the same period in 2018, however both the other robbery offences fell, with Robbery With A Weapon Not A Firearm down six per cent and Robbery Without A Weapon dropping by 27 per cent.
There were also falls in Sexual Assaults (down 30 per cent); Indecent assault, act of indecency and other sexual offences (down 13 per cent); Steal From Motor Vehicles Offences (down eight per cent); and both Break And Enter Dwelling (down 17 per cent) and Break And Enter Non-Dwelling (down 26 per cent).
“Auburn is a much safer place than perceptions many years ago, and the statistics show this,” Det Insp Laird said.
However he urged people to continue to be very wary of on-line auction and marketplace transactions, as well as Australian Tax Office (ATO) scams which ask for ‘Google Pay’ or ‘iTunes’ cards for payment.
“The ATO never ring you for money, nor do the police force,” he said.