
Covid alert

THERE are four new cases of Covid-19 in NSW.

One new overseas-acquired case was also recorded in the same period, bringing the total number of cases in NSW since the beginning of the pandemic to 5,440.
NSW Health is undertaking urgent investigations into the source of all new locally acquired infections. Contact tracing underway, as is genome sequencing.
These cases include (see below and attached):
Two locally acquired cases, reported yesterday, are those of a man in his 60s who works as a driver, including transporting international flight crew. The second case is a household contact of the man.
Investigations are underway into the two new locally acquired cases which will be included in tomorrow’s numbers and:
• A woman in her 70s from Sydney’s inner-west who attended the Belle café in Vaucluse announced yesterday. She sought testing yesterday morning as she was symptomatic and was also identified as a close contact at the cafe.
• A man in his 40s from Sydney’s north-western suburbs who is not yet linked to any active cases. He has low viral levels and the timing and source if infection is being urgently investigated through additional testing and interviews.
NSW Health has contacted more than 700 people who are getting tested and self-isolating pending further information. It is also very important for all household members of any of these contacts to also self-isolate until the contact receives a negative result.
Check the NSW Health website regularly, as the list of venues of concern will be updated as investigations continue: and-alerts.aspx
Anyone with even the mildest of cold-like symptoms is urged to immediately come forward for testing and isolate until a negative result is received.
Premier Gladys Berejiklian said authorities are on high alert and advised Sydneysiders to avoid large gatherings unless they are necessary.
“At this stage, we’re all on high alert,” she said.
“In relation to health advice of people in eastern Sydney and Greater Sydney, we’re asking everybody to be extra careful.
“We’re asking people to modify their activity, to consider where they’ve been, what their movements have been and what their movements may be until we go through the next few days as the situation is evolving.”