
Cook up way to help

Breakfast Club feeding minds

With the successful launch of its Breakfast Club early in 2019, the school is regularly catering to hundreds of students on a weekly basis.
Equipped with loaves of bread, boxes of cereals, several jars of jams, a container full of reusable cutlery, and a stack of coloured bowls, teachers Elysha Soper and Julie Nguyen voluntarily serve students with free healthy breakfast meals every day.

“By providing students with a free meal, we are able to give them the nourishment they need to succeed in class,” Ms Nguyen said.
“When they have breakfast, they are able to focus more.
“It is the most important meal of the day and we do our best to provide them with that everyday.”
Sometimes student Radford Bagdhadi doesn’t have enough time to eat at home in the morning “so it’s nice to know that the school provides food for students like me”.
“I look forward to it every single day.”
Another regular attendee Hatem Raad said: “I think it’s a good thing. I often go for seconds.”
But the club’s benefit goes beyond its nutritional value for the students.
“It has become a social event every morning,” Ms Soper said.
“In addition to getting a quick meal, students are able to utilise their time at Breakfast Club to socialise with other students in a positive environment.”
Sponsored by Foodbank NSW, the Breakfast Club is looking to expand its operations next year by getting student volunteers involved.