A leader within the club, John Heslop shared his inspiring passion that epitomises the spirit of the Rotary Group: “It just works so well, when we raise money through our fundraising and things like barbecues, we’re able to get the dollars together so when we see someone in need, we have the cash to go in and do something about it.
“A little while ago, we became aware that Greystanes Public School had a swim program where some parents couldn’t afford to pay for their kids lessons,” John said.
“We were able to anonymously, through the vice principal, who’s the daughter of one our members, put up the money to pay for the kids.”
Rotary’s popular Dream Cricket program will also be back for its third year in August.
“We take around 100 kids who have severe intellectual or physical disabilities and give them a day of fun with a simple game of cricket,” John said.
“We’ll have three to four staff members for each child.
“This is a great program since it give these kids an avenue where they get a couple hours of fun and they’re just so pumped about it.”
If like to learn more or how to help the club, visit holroydrotary.org.au
Club keeps stepping in when need arises
UNSUNG heroes of the community, Holroyd Rotary Club has been quietly helping people at home and abroad that otherwise couldn’t help themselves.