Weekly classes will be held at Bankstown Arts Centre on Thursdays, 10am-noon, and are open to all local residents 16 years and over.
Teaching artist Tania Rose said it was an opportunity for residents to explore the varied world of dance theatre.
“The class aims to extend beyond a typical “dance” class and will be more about encouraging students to direct and create their own works,” she said.
“They won’t just be incorporating movement, but conceptual ideas, sound and other means of creative expression.”
Ms Rose, who co-founded Restless Dance Theatre, Australia’s leading dance company working with people with and without disability over the past 25 years, said the DNA Project was a new pilot program they were trialling.
“This course is very much about exploration and facilitating the students to find their own ways to express their creativity,” she said.
“Hopefully it is something we can roll out across other council areas throughout Sydney.”
Mayor Khal Asfour says there are more than 23,000 residents who need help in their day-to-day lives due to disability, almost seven per cent of our population.
“It is great that we can offer programs like the DNA Project to the community which provides creative opportunities to people of all abilities,” he said.
The 10-week class costs $100. For more information, visit cb.city/artscentre
Classes to help unleash your inner dancer invite
SO, you think you can dance? Why not sign-up to the DNA Project – a 10-week program for people with all levels of ability, to explore the wide and varied world of dance, movement and theatre?