
Church hall upgrade win

A $40,000 Community Building Partnership Grant (CBP) has been put to good use refurbishing the community hall at the Christ the King Catholic Church in Yagoona.

Father Dinesh Macwan thanked State MP for Bankstown, Tania Mihailuk, for her support towards the CBP project when she dropped in to see the renovated hall and visit students from Christ The King Catholic School.
“The refurbishment has improved the facilities for the school children, parishioners and for the disabled in the community,” he said.
Works undertaken with the grant included window replacement, building a new upstairs toilet block and kitchen, external painting and landscaping and the refurbishment of the outdoor stage.
Ms Mihailuk says applications for this year’s CBP grant applications will be open from September 2 to 27, with successful projects to be announced in March next year.
“I am delighted to have supported Christ the King Church in funding this crucial upgrade to their community hall, which has various uses, including meetings and classes,” she said.
“It was a pleasure to witness the Community Building Partnerships grant in action, with students from Christ the King Catholic School making use of the freshly-renovated facility.
“I encourage local school P&Cs, community groups and sporting associations to apply for the next round of CBP grants.”