
Christine fights cancer her way


WHEN Christine Dale was diagnosed with breast cancer seven years ago, she “shook from head to toe for a week and lost 13 kilograms through sheer stress”.
Among the one in eight women that contracts breast cancer, the Padstow resident and primary school teacher had discovered the lump herself and opted to have it diagnosed via ultrasound.
After having two lumpectomies, the 69-year-old then made the decision to forgo chemotherapy and radiation, instead going on a drug designed to shrink tumours and regularly seeing a naturopath to build up her immunity system.
“I see my surgeon regularly and she is very happy with my progress but everybody is different and should make decisions about their own body which are right for them,” she said.
“A lot more education needs to be done in the community to teach women about how to self-examine as well as in the area of prevention,” she said.
“In so many breast cancer cases, women are found to have low vitamin D; we are just discovering now how important that vitamin is in regulating health.”
Christine says she can’t emphasise enough the benefits of attending the Wellness group at Bankstown Women’s Health Centre.
“I can’t believe the funding was pulled from this group because it has made all the difference to my recovery journey,” she said.
“Everyone in the group felt so supported and once you have cancer, it cuts across all cultures. You are just a raw, vulnerable woman needing hope, answers and friends.
“Bankstown Women’s Health Centre provides that and more.
“If you do have chemo and radiation, I would strongly suggest you start seeing a naturopath to boost your immunity system because that might not be the end of your story.”

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