
Charity Sports Lunch to help those with disability

☐ Hannah Sandeman.

RECREATION Sports and Aquatics Club (RSAC) is a local charity organisation that for over 33 years, has delivered sports and social programs for children and adults with a disability in the community.

The Charity Sports Lunch is their primary fundraising event for the year and this year it will be held on Friday, May 31, 12-2.30pm, at the Mount Lewis Bowling Club in Greenacre.
RSAC is proud of its achievements over the past year, in particular it won the 2019 Canterbury Bankstown City Community Organisation of the Year and RSAC Executive Officer Jenny Bombardieri was awarded an Order of Australia Medal (OAM) in recognition of her services to people with disability.
Honorary president Bob Beer said: “RSAC has a community culture that encourages integration, acceptance and inclusion and which also generates significant benefits for families and carers.
“Over 600 people of all ages with disability take part in RSAC programs on a regular basis and we provide over 6,000 participations each year. Many more are involved in our outreach programs.”
With tables costing $640 or $100 for individuals, the Charity Sports Lunch will feature MC Josiph Alvaro, entertainment by magician and illusionist Jackson Aces, guest speaker Hannah Sandeman – an RSAC member and gold medal winner at the Special Olympics World Games in Abu Dhabi 2019, and auctioneer Tom Touma of McGrath Estate Agents Bankstown.
Bookings at or call 9790 5001.