
Change name to boost safety

RESIDENTS of Margaret Street in Merrylands, could soon find themselves living in either Bolger or Donaldson Close.

Margaret Street is split by the M4 Motorway in three places and after an ambulance response was delayed when it went to the wrong section last year, Councillor Eddy Sarkis called for it to be renamed to reduce the confusion.
He suggested a simple North and South designation, however under the Geographical Names Board (GNB) requirements, entirely new names have to be put up for consideration.
Names with historical links to the area were considered, with Donaldson Close chosen after historical research indicated that Margaret Street, which was part of Shannon’s Parramatta Heights Estate in 1936, was most probably named after Margaret Jane Donaldson (nee Shannon).‚Ä®Bolger Close was chosen in honour of John Bolger, the first land grantee in the area in 1810.
Under the proposal, the remaining section north of the M4 Motorway would continue to be named Margaret Street.
Both proposed name changes will go on public exhibition, and if there are no objections, will be formally proposed to the GNB.