
Centrelink payment changes over break

THERE will be some changes to payments and services over the Christmas and New Year holiday period for Centrelink, Medicare and Child Support customers.

All service centres and most phone lines providing Centrelink, Medicare and Child Support services will be closed from Wednesday to Friday, December 25-27 and also on Wednesday, January 1, 2020.

Department of Human Services General Manager, Hank Jongen, said self service options would continue to be available during the holiday period.

“The department’s Express Plus mobile apps, phone self service lines and online accounts through myGov, are the easiest way to do your business with us over the Christmas and New Year break,” Mr Jongen said.

“You will be able to check your reporting dates, update your details and report your earnings quickly and easily with these options.

“You can use your Centrelink online account through myGov to change some of your appointments, apply for an advance payment and request a document.”

Mr Jongen said automatic payments would not be delayed by the holidays, but some people may receive their payments earlier than usual.

“You may need to take this into account and budget carefully so this payment lasts until your next payment is due,” Mr Jongen said.

“If you are due to report on a holiday closure date, you may also need to report early. Your payment will be made after you have reported.

“There are no changes to Child Support arrangements, however payments made after Monday, December 23, may be delayed by public holidays.”