Lakemba Senior Citizens Centre was abuzz with song and dance as nearly 100 adults and children turned out to be dazzled by an Indian dancer and banjo player and indulge in traditional sweets, while at Bankstown Library and Knowledge Centre, attendees learnt about the colourful festival from last year’s CBCity Citizen of the Year, Poompavai Arasu, and had the opportunity to try on traditional Sarees while experiencing delicious Indian food.
Mayor Bilal El-Hayek said it was fantastic to see members of the community from all cultures and backgrounds join in the celebrations.
“This is just one example of our libraries bringing the community together and breaking down barriers,” he said.
Also known as the Festival of Lights, Diwali sees participants use lamps to light up darkness, celebrating good over evil and knowledge over ignorance.
Centre, library light up to celebrate Diwali
DIWALI celebrations (pictured) have lit up Canterbury Bankstown with the community coming together to mark the important Hindu event with music, food and festivities.