
Celebration for OAM recipients

CUMBERLAND Council hosted a civic reception on Wednesday for Ralph Heness and Laurie Ferguson who both received OAMs in this year’s Queen’s Birthday Honours.

The former State MP for Granville, Mr Ferguson also served as Federal MP for Reid and Werriwa, and was honoured for his work on immigration and multicultural issues.
Honoured for his long-time charity work and community service, Mr Heness is an active volunteer with the Auburn Lidcombe Lions Club member and a life member of the Regents Park Cricket Club.
Admitting that getting the OAM was still sinking in, Mr Heness said he was also humbled to be honoured by the reception.
Thanking Mayor Greg Cummings and the council for organising the event, Mr Heness said the staff had done a great job.
“It was a really fabulous event,” Mr Heness said.
Former State MP for Granville David Borger also received an OAM in the Honour’s List for service to the Parliament of NSW, and to local government.