‘Esther’ is the extraordinary true story of a First Fleet girl who became First Lady of the colony.
Jessica North has been researching the life of the First Fleet convict, Esther Abrahams, for over a decade and is delighted to have uncovered the achievements of this remarkable woman. Aside from being the wife of George Johnston, Esther owned land in her own right at East Hills and spent the last years of her life living at The Homestead in Georges Hall, built by her son David.
Jessica will discuss her findings at Bankstown Library and Knowledge Centre tonight, Wednesday, September 4, from 6pm.
To book, call 9707 9709.
Relive your memories of yesteryear over a cuppa and a chat at Campsie Library and Knowledge Centre on Friday, September 6, 10.30am-12.30pm, while enjoying a display of the local area, at the Reminiscences Morning Tea.
Participants are encouraged to bring photographs and memories of the local area or their families. Mementos will be scanned and added to the collection to preserve local history.

For details, call 9789 9423.
Throughout the week, you can take in the ‘Memories and Landscapes’ Display at Bankstown, Chester Hill, Padstow, Greenacre, Panania and Lakemba Library and Knowledge Centres.
The interesting collection of historical photographs of the local area, also includes a ‘mystery’ photo for the chance to win a special prize.
For more events, visit historycouncilnsw.org.au.