PREVENTION is better than a cure and that’s why the RSPCA is encouraging “cat parents” to take responsible measures to protect their feline friends from the flu.
The disease produces similar symptoms to the human equivalent and include sneezing, discharge from the eyes or nose, fever, breathing problems, coughing, fatigue and loss of appetite.
The disease is spread by droplets containing the virus and spreads from cat to cat by direct touching, sneezing or sharing food.
RSPCA NSW believes prevention is better than a cure and encourages cat parents to vaccinate their cats and attend regular check-ups with the vet to make sure they are fit and healthy.
RSPCA NSW Chief Veterinarian Christina Zhu said if you suspect your cat has the flu, please visit your vet.
She encourages cat parents to vaccinate their cats and attend regular check-ups with the vet to make sure they are fit and healthy.
“The flu is manageable and you can assist recovery by providing a warm and quiet environment for your cat to recuperate,” she said.
“Cats exposed to cat flu can make full recoveries.”