
Career now in full bloom

ORIGINALLY from Lebanon, TAFE NSW Padstow Floristry teacher Wadad Mourad began her floristry career through a community program for newly arrived migrants and refugees.

Migrant giving others a start

Wadad now runs a successful floristry business and is giving back to the community by teaching the course that launched her floristry career over 10 years ago.

“I was a newly arrived migrant and came across the Statement of Attainment in Floristry – Getting Started and I thought this is what I wanted to do for my future,” Wadad said.

Once her children were old enough, Wadad enrolled in the Certificate II in Floristry at TAFE NSW Padstow but was not able to start classes unless she was working in the industry.

“I made a list of all the florists in my area about doing work experience, I approached all of them and they all said no. I got to number five on the list and she said yes,” she said. 

Wadad completed the Certificate II in Floristry and did not stop there, she also completed the Certificate III, IV and a Diploma in Floristry.

Fast-forward a few years to when Wadad was approached by Joanne Hynard, TAFE NSW Padstow Head Teacher for Floristry, to teach the Outreach program in local community halls, schools and churches.

“I needed a teacher who the students could relate to which is why I asked Wadad if she would teach the class,” Joanne said. 

Having been in the same shoes as many of the women she teaches, Wadad finds that her experiences help her to engage with her students.

“At the beginning of the course, many of the women do not have a lot of confidence and are quite shy but by the end, they’re smiling, happy and their self-esteem has really grown,” she said. 

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