Store selling it without licence
ALMOST 400 cans and bottles of alcohol have been seized from a Belmore supermarket that was operating without a liquor licence.
Liquor & Gaming NSW inspectors inspectors bought alcohol from the supermarket during a covert compliance operation on Tuesday, May 28.
The alcohol was not on public display but was served by staff from a cool room at the back of the store.
Inspectors seized 393 bottle and cans of alcohol including beer and soju from the cool room.
The regulator’s Director of Compliance Operations, Sean Goodchild, says inquiries into the matter are ongoing.
“Selling alcohol without a valid licence is among the most serious offences under the NSW Liquor Act,” Mr Goodchild said.
“The offence carries maximum penalties of an $11,000 fine and/or 12 months imprisonment.”
There are stringent rules for the retail sale of liquor in NSW to ensure responsible service and prevent minors’ access to alcohol.
Bottle shop operators must complete licensee training and RSA training to be eligible to hold a licence.
The licensing process also assesses the suitability of a licensee and impacts of a licence on the local community.
Anyone with information about unlicensed alcohol sales, should contact Liquor & Gaming NSW on 1300 024 720 or visit