
Bringing heritage to life

FAMILY history can reveal surprising and sometimes moving lost stories that enhance an individual’s understanding of who they are and where they’ve come from.

During Family History Month in August, the Granville Historical Society is looking forward to hearing from local families seeking to know more about their backgrounds.
Society Vice President Harry Stephens said family history is more than charts, censuses, and birthdates – it can be a powerful antidote against adverse life experiences that we face today, giving us a stronger understanding of who we are and motivating us to deepen our roots for generations to come.
“Most of the area’s early settlers came from England and Scotland in the early nineteenth century after the industrial revolution in the United Kingdom,” he said.
“Many Lebanese families settled here in the 1930s, bringing their own culture and history and we have much of this documented too.
“We have a large selection of computerised records, books and photographs as well as many local artefacts from the past including items from wars, glass negatives taken of Duck River 100 years ago and a popular selection of bridal gowns worn over a century ago.”
Passionate about keeping history alive, Mr Stephens says you can’t avoid making mistakes in the future without knowing about the past.
“History repeats itself as they say and have been saying for centuries,” he said.
“We love helping residents create a picture of their family’s past and are fully set up now to assist in the old Granville Library with extensive records.”
Granville Historical Society is open on Wednesdays, 10am-2pm (morning tea at 11am), with all invited to pop in and peruse their past.
For more info: 9682 1290.