Now I have never spoken to any woman who looks forward to these types of health checks, but I’m well aware how important they are so I dutifully made an appointment for the following week.
Unfortunately a family emergency meant I had to cancel not only that appointment but my next two attempts.
Somehow the months slipped by and whenever a reminder popped up suggesting I make a new appointment, I found myself far too busy doing ‘other things’.
Then last week I started writing a story about the BreastScreen NSW mobile van being at the Lidcombe Shopping Centre and suddenly found myself saying, ‘why yes I am free at 1.15pm’.
Arriving at the van I was welcomed by administrator Deb Lutton who gave me a form to complete with my personal details and medical history.
Then it was over to mammography technician Meera Ravi who led me into the back of the van where the x-ray machine sits in the back part of the van.
The process itself took less than 20 minutes and involved being manipulated into a couple of slightly awkward positions under instructions and holding my breath a few times.
While it was briefly uncomfortable – having your boobs squashed isn’t much fun – it wasn’t really ever painful and every position shift was managed very professionally and with great care by Meera.
Now I have a two-week wait for my results, but at least I can now cancel that pesky reminder notice.
Briefly uncomfortable but caring staff made it easy
IN May last year I received a letter inviting me to make an appointment for my free mammogram.