The Respect Program workshops teach boys about domestic violence and healthy relationships.
Boys learn about the different types of abuse and the importance of equality in a relationship, taking what they learnt and turning it into a song to raise awareness about violence against women.
Respect Program Coordinator Craig Taunton said: “This video will be posted on YouTube to help spread the boy’s positive message. We have been very pleased with how popular these videos are on social media. We hope that this video will also go viral.

“At BYDS we are very passionate about the Respect Program and strongly believe that if these young boys can understand the message at a young age, then they will continue to show respect to women when they are older.
“The Respect Program has been running for five years now and we hope it will continue for many years, spreading this important message throughout the community.”
The song is in the students’ own words and encompasses their understanding about respect for women and saying no to violence. The students performed their song live in Camden last year for White Ribbon Day and also performed at Lake Macquarie recently for a State Wide conference, where they received a standing ovation.
One of the students taking park, Hamza Eweis said: “Violence is not okay and we should never ever be controlling in a relationship.”