
Boundary changes to make system fair

GRANVILLE and Mays Hill residents have a little more time to comment on potential boundary changes after Cumberland Council extended the deadline for submissions to Monday, September 16.

Mayor Greg Cummings said he wanted to be absolutely clear that any boundary readjustment would not affect anyone’s address, suburb or postcode.
“This will remain the same irrespective of whether boundaries change in the future,” he said.
“What the boundary change will do is reverse a decision that has had unintended consequences for the community, when the State Government drew up boundaries for the Cumberland Local Government Area in 2016.”
Among those “unintended consequences” is the significant level of high rise development occurring on the northern side of the railway line at Granville where residents are paying rates to the City of Parramatta but accessing facilities funded by Cumberland ratepayers including the $22 million multi-purpose community centre, library and arts facility now under construction.
A postal survey has been sent to residents in affected areas.
Residents can also complete a survey or make a submission via ‘have your say’ at