
Book retailers urged to set up desperately needed shop here

CANTERBURY Bankstown is “crying out” for a bookstore, leading to one councillor appealing to major bookstore chains to open their doors in the area.

Having been made aware that at least one of the major book retailers had “done some research and sees new growth opportunities in our City”, called on the council to write to them and “encourage them to invest not only in our city but the literary future of the entire community”.
“There are, of course, a handful of second-hand stores littered throughout small centres, and they play an important role serving an army of followers, but what is lacking is a major retailer,” she said.
“It wasn’t that long ago that Roselands and Bankstown had major book chains but they closed their doors because of financial pressures as more and more people shifted their attention to online.
“We also have an excellent library service but to buy the new releases, most residents must leave the area.”
She said that buying books was an experience and one that should be able to be enjoyed by residents in their own area.
“The bookstore is a place to go and spend some time browsing, and a meeting place for like-minded people … Buying books online is not an experience,” Cr Harika said.