Centre Manager Anthony Wilson said: “The Bin Trim program has been instrumental in driving additional awareness to our business and retailers in not only reducing landfill, but in becoming a superior business operator with the future in the forefront of all our minds.
“When we originally went through the program, we went from 23 to 43 per cent, however more recently we diverted 54 per cent of all waste within Bankstown Central, away from landfill. I could not be more proud of our tenants, business partners and the operations team to ensure we remain focused.”
Bankstown Central Operations Manager Asaad Ibrraheem said: “We’re now looking at showing teams across our other 60 plus shopping centres what we’ve learned and how they too can get involved.”
Bankstown Central shopping centre is home to over 300 retailers, including many food and drink retailers.
The teams now separate bottles and cardboard in-store.
Mr Ibrraheem has also organised to collect food waste from individual stores for recycling into compost.
“Bankstown Central provides special bins for retailers to separate organics materials during food preparation and production,” he said.
“It also provides training to cleaning teams and dockmasters to help avoid waste stream contamination.”
Register your interest to join 22,000 businesses recycling more through the Bin Trim Program. Visit epa.nsw.gov.au/bintrim, email Bin.Trim@epa.nsw.gov.au or call 131 555 and ask for the Business Recycling Unit.
Bin Trim saving $67,000
AFTER taking part in the NSW Environmental Protection Authority’s free Bin Trim program, Bankstown Central has saved $67,000 in waste collection charges and is now recycling 20 tonnes of cardboard each month.