
April weddings postponed

MANY couples have spent months booking venues and celebrants, wrangling guest lists, coordinating travel and accommodation, footing bills, ordering flowers and squeezing in fittings.

But now, just when the exciting time of their lives was getting closer, they have to make the difficult decision whether to postpone their wedding or continue with it without guests, a reception or honeymoon over the latest Covid-19 restrictions.
Panania marriage celebrant Angela Finn has had all of her April weddings postponed and knows of another celebrant who has had 50 couples that were due to marry in the next three months, postpone their nuptials until next year.
“Most couples are scrambling to secure dates for next year but with a lot of those dates already booked, some are going to miss out,” she said.
“It is a terrible economic blow to the whole wedding industry, from function centres and celebrants to florists and bridal boutiques; so many jobs will go.”
Ms Finn says she has one desperate couple who are fearful of being in a full lockdown and for religious reasons, cannot live together before they are married.
“I’ve had to help them with their documents and write a letter for them to present to the courts along with their Notice of Intended to Marry and hope they will get permission to marry this weekend which is inside the mandatory month,” she said.
“Couples cannot normally marry for a month after filing the documents as a way to stop people from rushing in on a whim.
“There are specific categories for permission such as medical, employment, legal or travel so we will have to wait and see what happens.”
Ms Finn said she expected most Canterbury Bankstown couples would postpone.
“I’ve always found the area to be very family focused and I think they will wait until the return of the family wedding.”
Mt Lewis ‘Drag Queen’ celebrant Lyndan Barwick, who is also a teacher, an MC and entertainer, says the impact of the restrictions is huge.
“I’ve got one terrible situation with a couple who want to renew their vows and bring the family together as one of them is dying,” Mr Barwick said.
“We’ve had to postpone but not sure whether he’ll survive until then.
“The restrictions on venues and guests is certainly a kick in the pants for the industry as well as couples wanting to get hitched and party.”