
Annual LMA Iftar hosts hundreds

FEEDING hungry stomachs and souls, the Lebanese Muslim Association (LMA) has hosted well over invited 200 guests at its annual Iftar, held last Saturday night in the Events Hall of the organisation’s services building in Lakemba.

Special guests at the event included Mayor Bilal El-Hayek (pictured), the Consul-General of Lebanon, Charbel Macaron and Dr Riyad Rifaa, recently appointed Grand Mufti by the Australian National Sharia Board, as well as dozens of prominent local and international Imams headed by Lakemba Mosque Imam Sheikh Yahya Safi, well-known community figures and organisations.
The Iftar featured the launch of Feed The World, the LMA’s own, fully transparent charity arm and included a presentation by Sheikh Hassan Elsetohy, Feed The World’s Executive Consultant.
Feed The World’s mission is to promptly address emergencies, drive positive change through impactful initiatives and distribute aid efficiently in trouble spots around the world including Gaza, Lebanon, Syria, Pakistan and Morocco.