
Alert over jump in school zone speedsters, red light runners

SPEEDSTERS in Chester Hill and red light runners in Bankstown are putting young lives at risk as students return to school.

Woodville Road, Chester Hill (southbound) had the highest number of speeding fines during school zone times, while Meredith Street, Bankstown (northbound) was third highest for red light runners.
The NRMA is warning motorists against complacency with the return of school zones yesterday.
NRMA spokesperson Peter Khoury said the focus on road safety around schools applied for the whole journey to and from school and not just within the parameters of a school zone.
“Too many people are taking risks during school pick up and drop off times and this behaviour must stop as we know that it is during these periods when children are most vulnerable on our roads,” Mr Khoury said.
“We need to ensure complacency does not set in after the long summer break.
“The number of drivers fined running red lights is also alarming, with a 16 per cent jump on the previous year. We know the worst locations across the State and are urging the NSW Government to conduct an immediate safety audit of these locations.”
Minister for Roads, John Graham, also urged motorists to slow down and watch out for children in school zones.
“Children are some of our most vulnerable pedestrians and their safety should be everyone’s top priority,” he said.
“Motorists who don’t obey these rules face heavy fines and demerits.”