Four-week disruption for police aviation facility work
MOTORISTS using Bankstown Airport’s Tower Road face disruptions with its closure for at least four weeks.
The road, south of Rabaul Road, has been closed to facilitate the movement of continuous oversize heavy goods vehicles as part of the construction of the new NSW Police Aviation facility.
Tower Road – one of the airport’s many roads providing access and egress to several aviation tenancies – will be closed Monday through to Friday, 8am-5pm and should reopen mid-August.
In a letter to its residents and adjacent neighbours, Sydney Metro Airport Bankstown CEO Lee de Winton said: “The road closure will have minimal impact on local traffic in the immediate area as access to the Tower Road tenancies from Henry Lawson Drive remains unaffected.
“However please be aware of the frequent movement of these larger vehicles.
“Your safety is my first concern. This interim road closure is to ensure we are taking your safety into account while continuing with the construction of the new facility.”
She anticipated that some issues may arise with ‘through traffic’, as anecdotal evidence suggests the use of the airport road network, particularly Tower Road as a local short cut.
“We are liaising with the council on this matter,” she said.
“Minor increases in traffic volumes may be experienced during the works on other airport access roads, including Airport Avenue, Rabaul Road and Birch Street.”
“If you have any further questions, email”