Aged care advocates assist recipients of all Commonwealth funded, aged care services, their carers and family members to understand their rights under the Aged Care Act 1997.
“We help them to advocate for themselves to resolve issues and complaints with aged care providers to ensure that optimal care is received,” a spokesperson said.
Legal issues can include debt management and unfair contracts; human rights concerns including emotional or financial abuse (often within the family) and financial discrimination; planning ahead with wills, power of attorney, guardianship; and accommodation issues including granny flats.
Free and confidential, the Seniors Rights Service can be contacted by calling 1800 424 079 or visiting
Advocacy team for senior rights
A COMMUNITY legal centre and advocacy service, Seniors Rights Service protects the rights of older people by providing telephone advice, aged care advocacy, legal advice and educational services for seniors throughout NSW including in metropolitan, rural, regional or remote areas.