
School turns magical for week

THERE were witches, warlocks, princesses, fairies, superheroes, Harry Potters and many more characters on parade as Milperra Public School (pictured) celebrated Book Week as part of their Public Education Week activities.

Teachers were excited to open their classroom doors and showcase their explicit teaching lessons, giving parents a chance to enjoy seeing teaching in action and gain insights into the school’s educational approach.
A special assembly followed showcasing the week’s theme ‘Proud to Belong’ with staff and students awarded with Public Education Week certificates to acknowledge their hard work and commitment.
Principal Sarah Casuccio said they also enjoyed fantastic performances by the senior and junior glee groups.
“Their energy and enthusiasm lit up the room and a big round of applause also to our amazing Support Unit for putting together a touching video highlighting the pride we all share in belonging to Milperra Public,” she said.
“Thank you to everyone who attended and made this occasion so special.”