
Lifting PCYC to silver win

AFTER smashing a national powerlifting record, Auburn PCYC’s Elizabeth Napoli (pictured) has her sights set on the world championships.

The 26-year-old has become the national silver medallist for her weight class for powerlifting – achieving a squat of 150 kg, bench pressed a national record of 95.5 kg and deadlifted 175 kg.
The result comes after a string of successful performances by the former gymnast, who shot straight to the top of her weight class in competitions when she took up powerlifting in 2018.
“It just started as something to fill the training gap from no longer doing gymnastics,” the Auburn PCYC Gymnastics head coach and manager said.
Napoli won the national competition in her first year of competing, followed by a gold at the Oceania championships and an overall top 15 result in her first world competition – the Olympic equivalent for her sport.
The 26-year-old, who previously competed at gymnastics nationals in acrobatic and tumbling, is now hoping to qualify for the world competition in South Africa later this year.
She credits her gymnastics training with her speedy success in powerlifting.
“I know how to train; I know how to be dedicated,” she said.
“All of that in gymnastics was a good start and I wouldn’t have got to where I am so quickly without it.”
While her competitive spirit is focused on powerlifting, Ms Napoli said gymnastics remains a big love in her life.
“I love seeing the kids grow and develop every day,” she said.
“Gymnastics gives you the foundation for everything.”