GOLFERS aren’t the only ones worried about the possibility that a draft plan of management (POM) from the Inner West Council could see the Marrickville Golf course cut in half.
Marrickville Golf Sporting and Community Club president Eddie Lakiss “flatly rejected” the plan and said it was already a shared recreation space with incredible biodiversity.
He said the course attracted players from all over Sydney with over 20,000 games played every year, and halving it’s size would kill it.
“We are a very popular inner city 18 hole course that is already short, but that is its attraction, you only need a few hours to play a full game,” Mr Lakiss said.
“We made a profit of nearly $100,000 last year. We are a successful inner west institution.”
Also opposing the plan are Federal MPs Linda Burney and Anthony Albanese, and State MP elect for Summer Hill Jo Haylen, who said she loves walking with her family and their dog through the course and along the river.
“Let’s remember, it’s not Royal Melbourne,” she said.
Inner West Labor Mayor Darcy Byrne said the community already had ownership of the course with local people walking and running along it freely.
“Council’s role should be to support existing users by investing in the space, not seeking to snatch control of it,” he said.
A spokesperson for Inner West Council said the possible option was part of the draft POM which will be open for public comment mid-year, and denied there were any plans to sell off any of the land.
“The land is a mix of crown and community land, and must be kept in perpetuity for the benefit of the community,” she said.